Defiant Sheriff Blocks ‘Super Sanctuary’ Plan For Illegal Aliens

(Congressional Agenda) – A sheriff in the state of California is not allowing an administrative board to turn her county into what is being called a “super sanctuary” for illegal aliens, defying their efforts with the spirit of true, holy rebellion that inspired the very founding of this country almost 250 years ago.

This is a prime example of why local politics is so important. While we all need to be aware of what’s going down in Washington, we also must be involved in our local communities too. In fact, that’s where the biggest changes can be made and when it comes right down to it, if the federal government goes off the reservation, it’s your local government that will stand in the way of tyranny. Make sure you have folks of integrity in key local positions.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 last week to restrict assistance provided to federal immigration authorities who will soon be tasked with carrying out the largest deportation operation of illegal aliens in the history of the United States once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office.

According to a report from The Western Journal, Chairwoman Nora Vargas commented on the vote, saying, “immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility, and our county will not be a tool for policies that hurt our residents.”

Is that not exactly what they are under the Biden-Harris administration which has done nothing to stem the tide of illegals entering our country, causing massive increases in crime and straining our resources? That’s a real chin scratcher, right?

The county’s policy is “designed to ensure local resources are focused on addressing the County’s most urgent needs, while protecting families and promoting community trust,” Vargas added. City Supervisor Jim Desmond was the only individual who had any sort of backbone by voting against the measure and he was bold in his proclamation of disgust for the “direct betrayal” of his country.

“The policy’s timing, a little over a month before the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, is completely suspect. Under the policy, the chief administrative officer of the county has 180 days to gather data and present recommendations on how best to further the board’s goal. One snag this administrative overseer might encounter is the defiance of the county’s chief law enforcement officer. San Diego County Sheriff Kelly A. Martinez is not about to be pushed around by the progressive aims of three county-level board member,” the article divulged.

“The Sheriff respects Chairwoman Vargas and the members of the Board of Supervisors; however, she has been clear on her position on this matter,” the SDCSO then said in a post regarding the county board’s vote.

“As stated in the Sheriff’s statement, she will continue to follow state law, and there is no loophole in state statute as referenced in the Chairwoman’s board letter,” the post added. “Current state law strikes the right balance between limiting local law enforcement’s cooperation with immigration authorities, ensuring public safety, and building community trust.”

The SDCSO has confirmed that California state law does allow for cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, thus the sheriff made the case that this issue has already been debated and decided at the state level, and her authority in the matter is already laid out.

The post then revealed that the sheriff’s office “will not change its practices based on the Board resolution” before going on to wave off the county board’s efforts to try and dictate the policy of local law enforcement.

Copyright 2024.


  1. “Chairwoman Nora Vargas commented on the vote, saying, “immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility, and our county will not be a tool for policies that hurt our residents.”

    A no-borders Globalist clearly, and must be voted out of office.
    The next best act would be for the federal government to without federal funds until the County complies. Then let Nora start ‘splaining to her constituents how come..


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