Oversight Committee Announces 3 Witnesses For Biden Impeachment Hearing

(Congressional Agenda) – The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has announced that there are now three witnesses scheduled to make appearances on Thursday as the very first impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden kicks off, which could give some serious legs to an effort many have questioned in recent weeks. Let’s hope that if the allegations against Biden ring true, we will finally see some serious accountability for this man and the corruption he and his family have participated in over the many years he’s been in public service.

According to Jack Davis, writer for The Western Journal, “An impeachment inquiry is a formal fact-gathering process that takes place prior to the introduction of articles of impeachment.”

“Today, we are announcing the witnesses for our first hearing on the President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Impeachment Inquiry. This hearing will establish the basis for the impeachment inquiry and present the evidence House Republicans have uncovered to date regarding President Joe Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s domestic and international business practices,” the panel went on to say in a statement published on X.

“The witnesses are Bruce Dubinsky the founder of Dubinsky Consulting; Eileen O’Connor, a former assistant attorney general with the Department of Justice Tax Division; and Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University Law School,” Davis revealed in his article.

The title of the hearing is “The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,” as per a news release put out on the committee’s website.

“Since January, House Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means have uncovered an overwhelming amount of evidence showing President Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain,” Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, the Kentucky Republican, wrote in the news release.

“Thousands of pages of financial records, emails, texts, testimony from credible IRS whistleblowers, and a transcribed interview with Biden family business associate Devon Archer all reveal that Joe Biden allowed his family to sell him as ‘the brand’ around the world to enrich the Biden family. Joe Biden showed up on at least two dozen occasions to send signals of access, influence, and power to those who were paying the Bidens,” the chairman added.

Comer then went on to clarify that this inquiry is a necessary step to fully uncover the truth.

“Based on the evidence, Congress has a duty to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden’s corruption. Americans demand and deserve answers, transparency, and accountability for this abuse of public office. This week, the House Oversight Committee will present evidence uncovered to date and hear from legal and financial experts about crimes the Bidens may have committed as they brought in millions at the expense of U.S. interests,” he stated.

During a press conference last week, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre affirmed that there is “no evidence” her boss committed any sort of wrongdoing, which led to Comer responding by saying “mountains of evidence” exists. And it does. No one would be going through all of these steps if there wasn’t any evidence. That would simply be a waste of time and tax dollars.

“I have no idea what she means. … But at the end of the day, the majority of Americans, poll after poll shows, they realize there are mountains of evidence,” Comer remarked.

“Let’s start with the fact that we’ve discovered the Biden family has taken in over $20 million from foreign nationals that came through a series of shell companies that were then laundered down to the Bidens in incremental payments,” he continued.

“My question to the White House is, what did the Bidens do to receive that $20 million? They can’t answer it. They try to act like it didn’t happen, like it didn’t exist, but it did,” the Kentucky Republican declared. He then asserted that the president has been smack dab in the middle of the “family business.”

“We heard from the IRS whistle-blowers that they didn’t pay a penny of taxes on this money, that this investigation was leading to Joe Biden. We found even though Joe Biden said he never met with or spoke to or had any knowledge of any of these people who were mysteriously wiring millions of dollars to the Bidens, we have found through our deposition process that he spoke to every one of them on the phone over a dozen times,” he explained.

“So there are mountains of evidence. We can talk about the text messages, the emails. We can talk about the bank receipts and that’s what we’re going to talk about next week in our first impeachment inquiry hearing,” Comer commented in response to KJP.

The hearing is set to begin on Thursday morning at 10 a.m.

Copyright 2023. CongressionalAgenda.com


  1. You wrote:

    No one would be going through all of these steps if there wasn’t any evidence. That would simply be a waste of time and tax dollars.

    There is a strong appearance of impropriety, but no one has shown any evidence at all. Another politician might have make clear public statements, while any abuse was possible, that s/he is not involved in or connected with a family member’s business, to dispel any doubt that s/he was not involved in any way.
    However, I still can’t account for several respected former Trump officials and associates have said the hearings are just politics.


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