(Congressional Agenda) – A brand new report has come out that reveals the strategy the radical left is hoping to employ in order to take control over local election offices this fall during the midterm elections and those in the future as well, in an attempt to prevent a red wave from giving back control of the House and Senate to Republicans.
News outlet WND is reporting that there are two big money operations from liberals, each one ready and willing to spend a whopping $80 million each, that are determined to take control of elections.
“The overall objective of the political left is to change the way you conduct overall elections,” Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project, which pushes for clean elections, went on to say in an interview with The Daily Signal.
“One of the two liberal groups, Run for Something, is a political action committee founded by a former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer. In the spring, Run for Something established its Clerk Work project with the goal of electing clerks, election supervisors, registrars, recorders, and other local officials charged with running elections,” WND reported.
The PAC is saying that it will promote thousands of election administrators in the years ahead. However, for the midterm elections coming up, the organization says it will be endorsing 11 candidates in competing races in California, Colorado, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
“Local election clerks generally are empowered to interpret and enforce state election regulations. They often have discretion on matters such as whether to count absentee ballots that come in after Election Day, how strictly to enforce voter ID or signature-matching requirements, and how closely poll watchers may monitor the ballot counting on Election Day,” the report continued.
According to information gleaned from the National Conference of State Legislatures, county-level election officials are elected in 22 states. In 10 states, elected officials appoint members to the local board of elections. Then 18 states divide election administration duties between several offices.
Essentially, giving donations to a specific candidate to oversee elections could, either directly or indirectly, affect who gets to hold these very powerful positions.
The left knows that this is really the only way they can ensure that they gain power and control over the electoral process and thus remain in power permanently. And make no mistake about it. They want to stay in power for good. However, given the fact that Americans like to have a choice in who governs them, they have to seize power and control in a way that allows them to maintain the illusion the people are still picking their leaders.
Hence the need to take over elections and fiddle with the results.
“Some practices of local election administrators also could be guided by another $80 million effort by the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, a coalition of mostly left-leaning organizations financed in part by Big Tech executives to train local officials in running elections,” the WND report said.
Today @runforsomething is announcing Clerk Work, our $80 million 3-year plan to save democracy from the ground up by recruiting & supporting 5,000+ candidates for local offices in charge of election administration. @ec_schneider has the details: https://t.co/EdUxEpWVdp
— Amanda Litman (@amandalitman) April 18, 2022
Steve Bannon is recruiting people to run for local election administrator.
So are we. (But, you know, *for* democracy.) If you want to run for a position like city or county clerk or any other local position, we want to help. https://t.co/dJkare8HMt pic.twitter.com/J6kFAXqoQd
— Run for Something (@runforsomething) December 21, 2021
“Snead and other critics say they see parallels between Run for Something and efforts to elect liberal prosecutors financed by liberal hedge fund manager George Soros. They also see strong similarities between the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence and Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s election administration grants in the 2020 election cycle,” the report continued.
“What we shouldn’t lose track of is they are playing the long game,” Snead went on to say. “They are going to look for every possible way to impact elections, and they can make substantial changes in the long run through this kind of program that they wouldn’t have been able to make in 2020.”
This is absolutely correct. Leftists are really good at developing long term plans and then slowly implementing them, little by little, so the vast majority of us don’t notice our rights slipping away out of our grasp. It’s the same strategy they used to take over schools and Hollywood, two of their more critical institutions for brainwashing people according to their narrative.
“The Alliance for Election Excellence is not formally aligned with Run for Something’s Clerk Work project. However, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (created by Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan) has donated to Run for Something,” the report said.
“I would not be surprised if someone gets elected with the support of Run for Something and then immediately plugs themselves into the [Alliance for Election Excellence], because there are those natural synergies,” Snead stated.
“The Clerk Work project is new this year, but politicization of election officials has been a growing controversy for years,” WND reported. “Last month in Philadelphia, a former Democrat congressman, Michael ‘Ozzie” Myers, pleaded guilty in federal court of bribing the city’s election officials to stuff ballot boxes in local races.”
“In 2019, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, removed Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes, a Democrat, who admitted in a 2017 lawsuit that the county had more registered voters than eligible voters, and that noncitizens and ineligible felons may have voted in past elections,” the report continued.
This is an example of how well placed “operatives” in these election positions can play a massive role in determining the outcome of a race in favor of the Democratic candidates. This is the plan, folks. Get these individuals in positions where they can influence various aspects of the election and let them loose. By the time they are discovered and their activities uncovered, it’s too late. The damage is done.
We need to be aware of this strategy and keep an eye on who is being placed in charge of our elections. Those of us who are in the know about this issue need to raise our voices loudly if we should suspect anything going on with individuals in this department.
The one thing that’s critical for the preservation of our liberty and our great country is for Americans to go beyond national politics and start paying attention to what is happening in our own backyards.
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