(Congressional Agenda) – So it really does seem that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become the leading weapon for use by the leftists who occupy high positions in the federal government, having turned not only on President Donald Trump, but on anyone who dares to assist those on the right who are on a quest to uncover the truth about the corruption of the Biden family.
According to a report from Breitbart, the latest example of this comes from the FBI using guilty pleas of two individuals from Thursday over the theft of Ashley Biden’s diary, to come after undercover journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which allegedly gave the diary to law enforcement back in 2020.
Project Veritas has been instrumental in blowing up a number of scandals by revealing Planned Parenthood sold baby body parts, Twitter purposefully censors conservative posts, and a whole lot more. They have become invaluable to understanding how the current government works and corruption at various levels within the progressive movement.
“On Friday, Robert Kurlander, 58, and Aimee Harris, 40, pleaded guilty to stealing the diary of the presidential daughter, which included claims of inappropriate behavior by President Joe Biden, and conspiring to sell it to Project Veritas for $40,000,” the report said.
“Ashley Biden had reportedly left her diary at the home of a friend before it was sold to Project Veritas. As Breitbart News previously reported, the FBI raided O’Keefe’s private residence in November 2021, looking for clues. O’Keefe said that Project Veritas was not involved in any theft, and obtained the diary legally. He also emphasized that Project Veritas did not publish the contents of the diary, but instead had delivered it to law enforcement. (Portions were published elsewhere.),” Breitbart reported.
A report from the New York Times from Thursday stated that Kurlander had promised to help the FBI look into O’Keefe and Project Veritas.
“Aimee Harris, 40, and Robert Kurlander, 58, admitted they took part in a conspiracy to transport stolen materials from Florida, where Ms. Biden had been living, to New York, where Project Veritas has its headquarters,” the NY Times report said.
“Prosecutors said Mr. Kurlander agreed as part of a plea deal to cooperate with the Justice Department’s investigation into how the diary was acquired by Project Veritas, whose deceptive operations against liberal groups and traditional news organizations made it a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump,” the report continued.
If these folks understood the First Amendment, they’d probably already know that jurisprudence has already made it clear that news organizations and networks cannot be prosecuted for publishing materials that might have been obtained illegally, as long they themselves were not directly involved in the illegal process used to obtain said materials.
There’s one specific point of contention that could potentially concern whether Project Veritas was involved in investigating the theft of the diary, or if it came into possession of the document independently of the process that was used to illegally obtain it.
Guess what?
This isn’t the first time that the FBI has targeted Project Veritas.
A report from the Daily Signal published in May of this year revealed that House GOP members were calling for a congressional investigation into the FBI raid and subsequent seizure of information from Project Veritas and James O’Keefe, as this might be considered government actions against a free press, which, again, the First Amendment prohibits.
“I have called for a specific investigation into how some of those tools were used against Project Veritas,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., went on to tell The Daily Signal during a short interview conducted after a House GOP forum was held on press freedom.
“So, I want to be a little more specific than just a general review of the law and subject area. I want to see if, in this particular case, the standards that the Department [of Justice] sets and that are set in law may have been violated,” Gaetz continued.
“The FBI raided O’Keefe’s home and the office of Project Veritas in November seeking information about the allegedly stolen diary of Ashley Biden, the daughter of President Joe Biden, that a source had given to him,” the Daily Signal reported.
The FBI's & DOJ's Assault on Freedom of the American Press w/ chairman @RepAndyBiggsAZ
Witnesses: James O'Keefe; Project Veritas, investigative reporter @SharylAttkisson, & @pnjaban; @Liberty_Ctr!
WATCH: https://t.co/5SabIwnrwS #ampFW pic.twitter.com/0XbbYI6JnQ
— FreedomWorks (@FreedomWorks) May 10, 2022
The FBI/DOJ overreach hearing is underway. pic.twitter.com/Wex2A2OOOf
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) May 10, 2022
Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe:
"The government called our First Amendment arguments a 'newly invented privilege and novel theory'" pic.twitter.com/smwb4c2itD
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 11, 2022
Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe: "The whole idea of journalism is to get sources to trust you." pic.twitter.com/sY5Bg7h1g1
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 11, 2022
Sharyl Attkisson: "Rather than demanding accountability, I think we've slipped into a sort of 1984 style of acceptance." pic.twitter.com/JbafKxKJVI
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 10, 2022
What’s crazy is that O’Keefe, speaking to Congress at the forum, mentioned that agents from the bureau destroyed the front door of his home with a battering ram and then handcuffed him.
“Our objective here is to vindicate a free press,” Gaetz explained. “I don’t think the specific substance of Ashley Biden’s diary is as important as these broader principles that seem to be implicated by the government’s control.”
So here is yet another example of the weaponization of the FBI to help settle political scores and grudges the current administration has with any individual or group who dares to stand up against the corruption and darkness of the progressive agenda.
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