‘Mind-Boggling’: Kamala Campaign Scrambles For An Escape Hatch To Dodge Upcoming Debate

(Congressional Agenda) – A top adviser for the presidential campaign of former President Donald Trump has declared that Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to find a way to wiggle out of doing the highly anticipated debate with him that is scheduled for Sept. 10th on ABC News. Gee, why does that not surprise me? We all know that Harris falls completely apart whenever she must answer questions without a script in front of her face, nervously cackling and spitting out word salads that are practically incoherent. Many of the policy positions she’s released are almost a copy-and-paste directly from Trump’s platform. Doing a debate, so long as Trump allows Harris to speak, will be an absolute disaster for her.

“I think that the Harris campaign is looking for an escape hatch, is looking for a way to get out of this debate,” remarked Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller on ‘Sunday Morning Futures‘ which airs on the Fox News Channel.

“To be clear, these are the rules that the Democrats wrote,” Miller said. “These are the rules we had in place for the CNN debate. Everyone had agreed to the rules at least informally with ABC. We have a deal with ABC, ABC has a deal, ABC is with us all the way on this.”

“But here’s what I think happened. I think the Harris folks started going into debate prep, and now they realize what they’re working with. They realize that they’re in real trouble with Kamala Harris. They also know that President Trump is the greatest debater in modern political history, so I think they’re nervous and want a way out,” Miller continued.

Sean Duffy, a host for Fox News and a former GOP congressman from the state of Wisconsin was seemingly a bit baffled by the notion that Harris would drop out of the debate against her opponent, asking Miller, “So is your point that Kamala Harris’ team has not confirmed the September 10th debate?”

He responded, “Absolutely not.”

“And it’s mind-boggling because you would think that they’d want to debate. I mean, the American public does deserve this. But they refuse to accept the terms of the debate which, again, everyone had already agreed to it. We’d agreed to it, ABC’s agreed to it. The rules are the rules, they’re not changing,” he explained. “But Kamala Harris and her campaign, they’re afraid. Think about it for a moment, Sean. Why did the they wait 39 days to even do this joint interview where Kamala Harris spoke for all of 16 minutes and 29 seconds and now this is day 42 that Kamala Harris has gone without doing a solo interview?”

“This is really bizarre. I think they’re afraid and they don’t want to put Kamala Harris out there. You want to know why? Because she’s going to have to answer for every bit of this last three and a half years. You can’t talk about turning the page when you’re the one who broke the economy, broke the border, broke the world. That’s on Kamala, and she’s going to have to account for that on the debate stage.”

Concerning the debate rules, Harris posted on social media over the weekend, “Donald Trump is surrendering to his advisors who won’t allow him to debate with a live microphone. If his own team doesn’t have confidence in him, the American people definitely can’t. We are running for president of the United States. Let’s debate in a transparent way—with the microphones on the whole time.”

Harris is desperate to have the microphones turned on because she’s hoping he’ll continually interrupt her, providing fodder to make him look rude and nasty. Make no mistake, she will attempt to bait him into doing just that. Let’s hope this debate happens because Americans deserve to hear from both candidates.

Copyright 2024. CongressionalAgenda.com


  1. No, Kam-a-la! You are the one who is afraid. You want the mikes left on for more than one reason. You want to be able to say that he “went off on a female”. You also are wanting him to do all the talking so you don’t have time to answer your questions. I know you probably had all the questions given to you early for the interview, and you still didn’t do a good job. I’m hoping whoever does the debate will be honest and not give you the questions before hand, as was stipulated in the rules made earlier.

  2. Harris is a liar. She only did one interview with soft questions & no followup. Bash did a horrid job.
    The american people deserve so much better. If Harris cannot do interviews, answer questions, town halls, debate, then she needs to get out NOW! How will she deal with Putin & China if she cannot do one debate?
    Harris & walz are not fit for office. The american people deserve Trump!

  3. Just, stop the accusations and face the music, Kamala. You have been spreading lies from your first words. debate with the rules and take what is your comeuppance. Or, are you guys going to have some sort of technical glitch and the debate won’t be aired???

  4. My understanding is that both presidential candidates are making some demands their opponents won’t agree too.

    Trump’s demanding that the microphone be live throughout the debate, and Harris’ demand for the opposite, could be easily settled unilaterally.

    Trump could state, from his opening statement forward, that he will not interrupt Harris until she violates that rule — that he won’t draw first blood. That would force her to either refrain from interruptions or to expose herself. And this would be implemented without the campaigns being able to scuttle the event.

    The truth is obviously that neither candidates wants a real debate. If I can so easily figure out a bypass to the stated (that is, the claimed) hurdles, the campaigns could have come up with such solutions themselves.

    The fact is, politicians are liars at heart, whether their ideological leanings. And we get the government we deserve.

  5. ABC (A_ll B_arack C_hannel) is by far the worst of the fake news.
    If their darling Michael Strahan was White, he’d have been railroaded years ago.
    It seems that twice, during his NFL career, he was proven to be a wife beater with TWO different women. All is forgiven when you’re colored.


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