AWFUL: Top Democrat Fantasizes About Trump Suffering

(Congressional Agenda) – For those who might just be dipping their toes into the political waters of the United States for the first time, allow me to provide you with a quick, succinct example of the difference between liberals and conservatives and why the two sides rarely, if ever, get along. It’s actually really simple and easy to explain.

Liberals — the Democrats — are essentially emotion driven. Everything they do is from the pit of their black, oily, blood spurting hearts. Now, there’s nothing wrong with feeling emotions. We all have them. God has them, though they are not corrupted by sin and a lack of self-control like ours are. Compassion is the ability to empathize with others, especially those who are down-trodden and suffering. This is a good emotion. As long as it is tempered by logic and self-control. Guess what? Most liberals lack both of those. They are emotionally underdeveloped, the equivalent of melodramatic teenagers.

Conservatives — most Republicans, but not all — are logic driven. It’s the foundation of their approach to the issues at hand, knowing that if we get too emotional, we make ourselves vulnerable to manipulation and taking action that might solve problems temporarily, but lead to disastrous consequences down the road. Sometimes, just as liberals can become too emotional, conservatives have a tendency to be a little cold. However, it’s far easier to warm the heart than restrain out-of-control passion.

Hmm. Guess that wasn’t very succinct at all, was it?

Anyway, Democratic strategist James Carville provided us with a most excellent illustration of the over emotional liberal when he stated on Thursday that he often fantasizes about former President Donald Trump experiencing misery and that doing so makes him feel at ease.

That’s a rather sick and twisted thing to say and is the result of a mind that is overrun by the emotion of anger and hatred that has corrupted Carville’s soul to the point of taking pleasure in another person’s misery.

“Trump picked Republican Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance to be his vice presidential candidate after his son Donald Trump Jr. strongly advocated for his selection. Carville suggested he thinks Trump is unhappy about choosing Vance, prompting the Democratic strategist to reveal his fantasies about the former president’s rage, particularly at his son, during an episode of his ‘Politics War Room’ podcast,” the Daily Caller reported.

“I have to tell you, I take unbelievable pleasure in his misery,” Carville said during the program. “I fantasize about how he’s throwing shit at walls and ketchups and plates. And screaming at Don Jr. and screaming at everybody. It makes me feel so good. It’s a certain amount of peace that I get.”

How awful of a human being do you have to be to feel good about another person experiencing bad things in life? This man’s soul is literally rotting to pieces, festering with pure animosity. He’s not going upstairs when it’s time to shirk off his mortal coil, if you catch my drift. Not in his current spiritual condition.

“I’m with you on that,” Carville’s co-host Al Hunt replied as the vile Carville chuckled.

“After Trump survived the attempt on his life at a Pennsylvania rally where a bullet grazed his head, Carville criticized the former president’s supporters’ belief that God is shielding him,” the Daily Caller’s article read.

“So I’ve talked on this show many times, and I thought that Trump was viewed by his supporters as a theological figure, not a secular figure. And of course, him being within an inch of having his head blown off is, to them, further proof that they were right, that God is protecting him,” Carville rambled on the show. “He sent him … Do I think it’s all horseshit? Of course … Do I think it’s a perversion of everything that you can think of? Yes. Of course … but to them, this is just further proof that he was sent here by God.”

Say a prayer for Carville. He desperately needs it.

Copyright 2024.


  1. What a vile and hateful man James Carville is
    Perhaps he is worried his Democratic party might lose the election and their power on Nov 5th.

  2. An absolute idiot! This guy’s brain just gave out! What a lack of compassion. What a terrible thing to say. He should move to another liberal country where he belongs!


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